Dedication to the Craft

I heard last year that the middle of the United States was going to be ground zero for a major solar eclipse my ears perked up. Then I found out I had a friend who was going to be in the middle of it on a family ranch and an invite was extended. How could I say no?

Obviously I said yes. Looking back on the event it really was life changing. To stand in the shadow of the moon and stare for a few brief seconds in amazement at how perfect everything had to be. The moon is 400 times smaller than the sun, and it is 400 times closer to the earth than the sun. This makes for a perfect fit in front of the sun. Allowing just enough edge for us to view the splendor of it all without goggles. For two and a half minutes.

I drove 1,400 miles to photograph an event that would last for 2.5 minutes, 150 seconds. Was it worth it?


This is what dedication to a craft is all about. How dedicated are your suppliers? If they lack dedication could you be getting short changed? When you hire your next photographer, ask yourself, Is this person dedicated, to his/her craft? If the answer is no, find someone else. You will be happy you did.


For 46 years I have been taking high quality commercial and editorial photographs around the world. I won’t hesitate to go 1400 miles for a 2 minute event because it is the moment in time recorded for eternity which makes it everlasting. It is that moment that is important to you as the client. Dedication to the craft is excellence to the craft.

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